Friday 11 October 2013

External plumbing 5th October 2013

It's the last day of the school holidays and we have people at our block working on the external plumbing. They tell us they will be done by lunch time! They move so quickly! There's massive piles of dirt everywhere, an excavator on the slab, a guy in the corner cutting bits of pipe and gluing together, action everywhere!

Just after we had left, we had a call from the site foreman, wanting to meet with us that afternoon. So back we went at 4:30pm to meet the guy who was running the show. He was a nice guy who was able to answer some questions for us, though seemed reluctant to answer when we asked if he had an estimated finish time... Somewhere before 2015 was the response! He has informed us that anytime we want to go on site to check things out to just give him a call so he can take us on. He's made quite a few of these homes now, so that was very reassuring.

Frame will be delivered on Wednesday 9th October and begin Thursday 10th October! So excited!

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