Saturday, 12 October 2013

Windows in... 12th October 2013

Went to have a look see again today with my parents. Windows are in and the bath frame work was in too. So I thought I'd have a bit of fun....

Friday, 11 October 2013

Roof trusses up and windows and doors delivered 11th October 2013

Today, our sliding doors and our windows have been delivered! They look awesome! As well as this today, our roof trusses have gone up. It looks like a house now! I am getting more and more excited as I see our beautiful home develop, and we cannot wait until we can move in!
                                Roof going up! We've got progressive photos today!

                                          And the roof is up!

Base frame up! 10th October 2013

Holy moley! We have a house! Sort of.... The walls and everything are up, it's a house without a roof! It looks amazing!

Frame delivery 9th October 2013

So the frame has been delivered and it looks like a big pile of green wood! The pile stands so high! I'm looking at my house! Amazing!

External plumbing 5th October 2013

It's the last day of the school holidays and we have people at our block working on the external plumbing. They tell us they will be done by lunch time! They move so quickly! There's massive piles of dirt everywhere, an excavator on the slab, a guy in the corner cutting bits of pipe and gluing together, action everywhere!

Just after we had left, we had a call from the site foreman, wanting to meet with us that afternoon. So back we went at 4:30pm to meet the guy who was running the show. He was a nice guy who was able to answer some questions for us, though seemed reluctant to answer when we asked if he had an estimated finish time... Somewhere before 2015 was the response! He has informed us that anytime we want to go on site to check things out to just give him a call so he can take us on. He's made quite a few of these homes now, so that was very reassuring.

Frame will be delivered on Wednesday 9th October and begin Thursday 10th October! So excited!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

And then there was a slab! 26th September 2013

The slab has been poured and we can see our home further developing. We have our meeting with the foreman tomorrow and should see a frame begin in two weeks!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Slab Prep - Foam, Rio and Form work - 25th September 2013

And the excitement continues!

Rick spoke to the foreman this afternoon and the slab will be poured tomorrow! Frame has been ordered and is due within 2 weeks.

Plumbing - 24th September 2013

Wow! Things really are moving quickly and we are becoming more and more excited as we can see our home build from the ground up. I can not express the feeling we get when we are able to see such growth and development as the days go by. There is a sense of pride, joy and complete amazement!

Form work - 23rd September 2013 !

Today, the form work was laid. Exciting times ahead! Although, a 266m2 slab looks HUGE!!!!

Piers - 20th September 2013

On our visit on the Saturday 21st, we noticed that the piers had gone in the previous day. Things were moving fast and we could not be happier!

Level Block - 19th September 2013

While at work today, I received a text message from Rick. It was a picture of our leveled block! The work had begun on our land! Our house was underway!

                                                                 The Text Message!

We were both so excited that things had finally begun to happen. And luckily, the day after it all begun, holidays were about to begin! =)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

May 2013 - Land Release

Our land has been released. We were able to step foot on our beautiful piece of land  (35x16m - 560m2) for the first time since putting our deposit down! There were lots of celebrations!

Putting coins in the corners of the block for good luck :-) 

                                     Cheers! The beginning of many! =)

The Facade - digital image of our house.

The Plan

The Beginning - January 2013

Well here we are... We have taken the big jump and have decided that we are going to build a house together. When we first started looking at houses, I got very frightened of the amount of money building a home could cost. So we started looking at prebuilt houses that could do with a bit of renovating... However, the places we were looking at needed so much work and with the purchase price of the home in its current state being as high as they were, by the time we renovated it, we would be looking at close to the same amount as building our very own...
So we put a deposit on a block of land at The Hermitage with a 22sq home with the building company Rawson. We were totally excited and we told everyone we knew! Only to have the company ring us the next day and tell us that they had made a mistake with the price and that they would need to charge us more. Needless to say, we got our deposit back and felt heartbroken.
We were sitting at home the next day, feeling quite down, when I suggested looking online at Bingara Gorge. We found a block of land that looked perfect so we quickly got ready to go for a drive to check it out. Once there, the sales team were wonderful and took their time in talking to us about the development. The release in which we were interested in hadn't yet had roads built in and so was still blocked off to the public. The sales team made us a take away coffee and took us for a drive in their 4WD to the block we told them we liked from the plans. She also took us around the estate to show us where future developments will be. By the time we left, we had been there for nearly 2 hours and it was 5:00pm. As we were driving out, we had already made our decision... Bingara Gorge was going to be our new home! We set our alarm for 8:00am and as soon as the sales office opened, we were on the phone putting our deposit down.... Lucky as there were another couple who had been deliberating for a week over that very same block who went into the sales office an hour after we had bought it! Meant to be!

The same day as putting our deposit down on our block, we headed out to the display village where our most favourite home design was situated... The Talbot 28 with Metricon. After a few minor structural changes, and opting for the alfresco design instead of having a rumpus room, we had put our deposit down on our dream home! Excited was an understatement!

After 9 months of waiting, colour selecting, external selections, electrical appointments and more.... We have finally begun!